Responsible authority and data subject rights​

L’organe compétent pour la saisie, le traitement et l’utilisation de vos données à caractère personnel est la société « ALS SPOTS EQUIPEMENTS SARL » (Dénommée  ci-après ALS). Vous pouvez joindre ALS dans sa qualité d’organe compétent aux coordonnées suivantes :

  • Par courrier : ALS  – Op Zaemer, 17 L-4959 Bascharage.
  • By e-mail: info@als-shop.eu

You can find out about the data stored by us at any time and free of charge and ask for it to be rectified, blocked or deleted. To do this, please contact us at the address above.

If you wish to object to the collection, processing or use of your data by ALS in whole or in part in accordance with this data protection policy, you can address your objection by e-mail or letter to the address above.

Collection, processing and use of personal data

Personal data is any specific or personal information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person. This includes, for example, your name, telephone number, address, as well as all basic data that you provide when registering and creating your customer account.

 a) Consentement à la politique de protection de données: 

You only need to provide your billing and delivery address if you place an order. In order to process your order, we need your correct name, address, telephone number and payment details. We need your e-mail address to be able to confirm receipt of your order and its dispatch, and more generally to communicate with you. In addition, we use your e-mail address for your identification (such as login ID) when you log in to your customer account. The telephone number is preferably a GSM number so that we can send you delivery tracking notifications.

 b) Saisie, traitement et utilisation de données à caractère personnel : 

We collect, store and process your data for the entire purchase process, including for any subsequent warranties, for our services (e.g.: "My Preferences"), technical administration, customer service, for our own marketing purposes, as well as for combating offenses and fraud. Your personal data will only be transmitted to third parties if permitted by law, including for the purposes of contract performance, billing, marketing purposes or if you have previously consented to this. In the context of order fulfillment, the service providers we use (such as carriers, logisticians, banks) receive from us, for example, the data necessary for order and contract fulfillment. 

Our service providers may only use the data transmitted in this way to fulfill their task.

 c) Utilisation de vos données à des fins publicitaires : 

In addition to processing your data for the purchase process at ALS, we also use your data for the following purposes: to continuously improve your shopping experience, make it more user-friendly and personal, to communicate with you about your orders, certain products in particular or marketing campaigns, and to suggest products or services that may be of interest to you.

For this purpose, we use the information we have available, such as confirmations of receipt or reading of e-mails, information about the device you are using, your internet connection, operating system and platform, the date and time of your visit to the site, the products you have viewed, as well as the information you have sent us (including information transmitted or generated automatically). We also use your order history.

You can object to the use of your personal data for advertising purposes in whole or in part at any time without incurring any costs other than the transmission costs at basic rates. A notification in text form addressed to the contact details mentioned in paragraph 1 (e.g. by e-mail or letter) is sufficient.

To send the newsletter, we use the e-mail address you have provided and for this purpose we need you, as the holder of the e-mail address, to confirm that you consent to receiving the newsletter.

If you no longer wish to receive newsletters in the future, you can object to this at any time without incurring any costs other than the transmission costs at basic rates. A notification in text form addressed to the contact details mentioned in paragraph 1 (e.g. by e-mail or letter) is sufficient. Of course, you will find an unsubscribe link in each newsletter.

 d) Cookies : 

You are not required to accept cookies to visit our site. However, we would like to point out that the functionality of our site and our services is limited if you do not allow us to set cookies.

  • Que sont les cookies ? 

Cookies are small files that are saved on your data carrier and that store certain settings and data to enable communication with our system via your browser. In principle, there are two types of cookies: session cookies that are deleted as soon as you close your browser and temporary/permanent cookies that are stored for a longer period of time or permanently on your data carrier.

  • Quels sont les cookies utilisés ? 

Most of the cookies we use are automatically deleted from your hard drive when you leave your browser (end of session, hence session cookies). Session cookies are used, for example, to offer you the shopping cart function over several pages. In addition, we also use cookies that are installed on your hard drive. When you visit us again, you will be automatically recognized, as well as your entries and preferred settings. These temporary and permanent cookies (duration of one month to 10 years) are stored on your hard drive and are deleted automatically after the defined period. These cookies are used in particular to make our site more user-friendly, more efficient and safer. Cookies are used exclusively to adapt our offer to the best of our ability to the wishes of our customers and to allow you to surf our site as comfortably as possible.

  • What data is stored in cookies?

Only pseudonymous data is stored in the cookies used by ALS. When the cookie is activated, an identification number is assigned to it and your personal data is not affected by this identification number in any way. Your name, your IP address or any similar data allowing a direct assignment of the cookie to you are not deposited on the cookie. Based on cookie technology, we only receive pseudonymous information, for example, about the pages of our shop that you have visited, the products you have looked at,

  • Are there cookies from other providers?

ALS uses certain advertising partners who help make our internet offer and website more interesting. Therefore, cookies from partner companies are also stored on your hard drive when you visit our site. These are temporary/permanent cookies that self-delete after the defined period. These temporary and permanent cookies (duration of 14 days to 10 years) are stored on your hard drive and self-delete after the defined period. Even the cookies of our partner companies contain only pseudonymous or mostly anonymous data. This includes data about which products you have viewed, whether you have purchased something, which products were searched for, etc. Some of our advertising partners also collect information about the pages you visited before or which products you were interested in, to show you the advertisements that best match your interests.

  • Retargeting

Our site uses so-called retargeting technologies. We use these technologies to make the online offer more interesting. This technique allows us to display advertisements on our partners' websites to internet users who have already shown interest in our store and our products. We believe that personalized, interest-based advertising is more interesting for internet users than advertising without personal relevance. Displaying these advertising materials on our partners' websites is based on cookie technology and an analysis of your previous behavior. This form of advertising is completely pseudonymous. When you use our site, cookies are placed to collect, save, and use usage data. Moreover, your data remains stored in the cookies even when you close your browser so that it can be reused during your next visit to the site.

  • How to prevent the storage of cookies?

You can set your browser to require your permission before accepting cookies or to prevent the storage of cookies in the future. If you only want to accept ALS cookies, but not those of our service providers and partners, you can select "Block third-party cookies" in your browser. 

Generally, the help function in the menu bar of your browser will show you how to reject new cookies and block cookies already received.

Log files

Every time you access the ALS site, usage data is transmitted by the browser and stored in log files, the so-called server log files. The recorded data blocks contain the following data: date and time of access, name of the accessed site, IP address, referrer URL (URL from which you came to the site), data volume transferred, product and version information of the browser used.

We analyze these data blocks contained in the log files to improve our offer and the ALS store, making them more user-friendly, to find and fix errors faster, and to manage server capacities. At the same time, we use the data blocks contained in the log files to prevent attacks on our ALS store, such as so-called denial-of-service attacks that aim to block access to our ALS store by overloading it with requests.

Web analysis

To continuously improve and optimize our offer, we use so-called tracking technologies. For this purpose, we use the services of Google Analytics.

  • Google Analytics

This site uses Google Analytics (Universal), a web analysis service provided by Google Inc. (www.google.de). Google (Universal) Analytics uses methods that allow an analysis of your use of the site, such as "cookies," text files stored on your computer. The information generated about your use of the site is generally transmitted and stored on a Google server in the USA. By activating IP anonymization on this site, the IP address is shortened before transmission within member states of the European Union or other parties to the Agreement on the European Economic Area. The full IP address is only transmitted in exceptional cases to a Google server in the USA and shortened there. The anonymized IP address transmitted by your browser as part of Google Analytics is not merged with other data held by Google.

You can prevent Google from collecting and processing the data generated by the cookie and related to your use of the site (including your IP address) by downloading and installing the plugin available at the following link: http://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout?hl=fr.

Instead of installing the plugin, you can click this link to prevent Google Analytics from collecting data on this site in the future. An opt-out cookie will then be placed on your device. If you delete your cookies, you will need to click this link again.

Retargeting and Data Collection by Third Parties for Advertising Banners

For retargeting and advertising banners, we use the services of third parties who place cookies on our site. These are the following providers:​

Facebook Inc., 1601 S. California Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94304, USA ; https://www.facebook.com/about/privacy

Secure Data Transmission

We transmit your personal data in encrypted form. This also applies to your orders and customer login. For this purpose, we use the TLS (Transport Layer Security) or SSL (Secure Socket Layer) encryption system. Additionally, we secure our site and other systems through technical and organizational measures against the loss, destruction, access, modification, or dissemination of your data by any unauthorized person.

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